The "Walliserstube", called "Chinnumatta" (children's meadow) by the locals, delights with traditional but also modernly interpreted culinary delights. When you enter the traditional wooden Valais house, you immediately feel its originality. The house was built with the wood of a demolished barn from 1726 and renovated in 2017. Coupled with great hospitality, the "Chinnumatta" still exudes cosy Valaisan charm. The kitchen is passionate about cooking with fresh ingredients and frying for all it's worth. Quality and regionality are very important. Raclette is served from the crackling oven in the middle of the dining room and tastes especially good on the terrace with a view of the fantastic mountain scenery.
Our tip: CORDON BLEU! Few people know that cordon bleu was invented in a restaurant in Bruges over 200 years ago. "Cordon Bleu Valaisanne with vegetables and side dish of your choice" - 39 CHF
Opening hours
Bis am 8. Mai 2024 geschlossen.